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Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Janine & Lisa Adventure I: Where have all the rooms gone?...Travelers have picked them every one..(Feb 28)

The bus dropped off Marian, Lisa, and I in front of NOMADS Fat Camel in the late evening. Being the well prepared bunch we are none of us had called ahead to reserve a room..[dun dun duuuuuuuun]. While we are waiting in a line of about 15 people to book a room, the fellow behind the desk yells out "IF YOU DONT HAVE A RESERVATION PLEASE LEAVE THE LINE, THERE ARE NO ROOMS LEFT HERE...OR AT THE OTHER NOMADS, OR QUEENSTOWN...THANK YOU"...No no no, thank you kind sir...

Whilst in the line however, I saw a girl that I was talking to before I left for Raglan. So she stopped and had a chat and we planned to meet up later. After the guy dropped that bomb on us Marian and Lisa went to see if there was any space at another hostel called base. I told them I'd meet back up with them later and went to tell Sarah that I wouldn't be staying here tonight but I'd be back for drunken debauchery later on. Good thing I did this... I went up to find her and while I was telling her what happened another girl, I presume Sarah knew her, chimed in and said "Hey, my boyfriend and I both bought beds but we are sleeping in the same one...you can just crash on the other one!".....Jackpot, free bed, THANK YOU DC (her name). Unfortunately the bed that I was given was broken and was caving in, but beggars can't be choosers so I just stuffed my bag under the gap and called it a day.

Right about now I am feeling amazing...just scored a free bed, life is good. So I head down to the bar to catch up with Sarah and we talk for a while before I start doing laps (Laps: Walk around the bar and talk to everyone that looks interesting). I settle in with these three English girls, they are from Yorkshire and Manchester I believe, they just arrived that day and they were heading up north to the Bay of Islands in a camper van. *BING* This peeks my interest as I would also like to go up north. So being the confident charmer that I am, I try and secure myself a ride up north with these three girls I just met a few mins ago. After a slight build up consisting of "Oh really? That sounds nice....I was thinking of heading up north this week some time....How are you getting there? A van..cool cool..." I just straight up asked if I could join them. Alice, the main girl I was talking to...I think she was the leader, went completely red faced and looked a bit taken aback. After a few milliseconds of bewilderment and possibly some embarrassment she explained that they would be sleeping in the van so that might be a bit weird....Bummer =(

But then by the grace of Allah/God/The Everlasting Spirit of the Universe Alice says "Oh..but there is a poster on our floor [girl only floor mind you], with 2 girls looking for a third person to go up north with...Let me just go up and get it for you." After a minute or two she comes back down to the bar, poster in hand (very nicely made..if I had a camera I would have taken a picture. HA!) and says come up stairs. I go up and meet Janine, whom Alice had just woken up and she just ran a half marathon that afternoon, we talked for less than a minute and I decided she was nice enough so I said why not. Janine said she had to take a bus to pick up the camper in the morning and she would call me (I was buying a phone in the morning) when they were ready.

Oh and for those wondering, even after just being woken up and in her PJs and glasses, Janine was still pretty hot, so that helped my decision a little bit. Also she is about 5'1 on her tippy-toes so I fancied my chances if anything went down.

Peace & Love

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