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Monday, September 5, 2011

Carnarvon: Cycling Prohibited (Sept 2 - 4)

I'd like to dedicate this post to my Grandfather who passed away on August 27th. He always made me feel loved, which is all I could ask.

I'll start off by outlining my current living arrangement. I moved out of the dorm about 4 weeks ago and have been staying in a twin room with a guy from Taiwan named Albert, it's been working out quite well he worked at the meat factory but they are cutting down his hours, so he's moving to Carnarvon in a few days. The key to finding a good roomate is make sure they have their own stuff so they won't want to steal yours, Albert is a computer engineer in Taiwan so I felt I could trust him if I said some computery stuff to him.

This past weekend I released the shackles of employment, took an extra day off, and we headed to Carnarvon with another guy named Alvin from Hong Kong. They went looking for new work on a Banana farm, I just decided to go along for the ride seen as I had'nt been to Carnarvon yet. Before going this dude at the Cameliers warned me that there was nothing in Carnarvon worth seeing only if you go to the blow holes or stop short in Monkey Mia. We soldiered on regardless.

Driving up to Carnarvon, you would never guess there was a town there it's completely flat and desert-like all the way there (because of the recent rain there were a lot of wild flowers growing though, which made it look great). It looks like it SHOULD be a nice place but it's pretty run down and dero looking. And to cap it all off, there are these "CYCLING PROHIBITED" signs all around the main part of the town, which is about 2 blocks. So not only does it look run down, I can't even ride my bike into town~ CarnarvonFAIL.

When we arrived we walked around for a while, checked out 1 mile Jetty and had some pizza at the Old Post Office, which is top 5 in the world as per Lonely Planet. The pizza was AIIGHT, we had a seafood pizza and it had anchovies so it was a bit salty but it was a nice atmosphere and the pizza was alright. WAY over priced though, $65 for 1 large pizza, 3 beers, and garlic bread.... absurd. The place is owned by an Italian woman and there's a German waitress and barman, lulz. So basically it has nothing to do with Carnarvon or Australia.

The highlight was definitely the drive up, you can see to the horizon all the way around you pretty much the whole time, which is pretty crazy. We also stopped in Kalbarri on the way back which is always a good time, I lied in the previous sentence for effect, Kalbarri was actually the highlight. We saw the wildflowers, huge patches of purple, white, and yellow,we also went to Kalbarri National Park to see Natures Window and some other cool things. Also went out on the town for the first time in a while, that was a good time, I met this girl from Ottawa. She is a basketball player, which is a character you don't find in Australia (The Girl Basketball Player) so it was funny talking to her, it reminded me of home. She also told me that Jack Layton had died recently which was a bit sad.

All in all an excellent 3 days spent away from Geraldton, back to work until October 14 then it's on to the rest of Aus. Still not sure how it's going to pan out, I'm waiting on some infoz from my travel agent, so we'll see~

Peace & Love

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