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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Cairns I: Gooned Up & Vacation from Drinking in the Daintree (Nov 27 - Dec 10)

Note: "Goon" is a slang term used for cask wine. It is the Aboriginal word for pillow, and its called that because you can take out the bag and blow it up like a pillow. That is how you get your "Goon Badge" drink a whole box to yourself then blow it up and pass out on it.... or so I hear...

The initial plan for me and Robert was to stay for 1 week, have a good time and then carry on down the coast. Rob and Ingrid were thinking of staying longer and finding work, possibly getting an apartment or going into a share house together. So we arrived and checked-in to a really nice hostel called Northern Green House (free internet, free breakfast, free BBQ on Wednesdays and pancakes on Saturday mornings ...amazing). We paid for 1 week and began our drunken debauchery, two more dutch girls moved into our room a few days after us so we partied with them for a while. Basically we were drinking at least two boxes of goon every night, then going out to the bar and dancing the night away (..might have just been me dancing).

I also met up with Julius while I was there, I met him through Matt, so he was hanging with us as well. The best place to go out in Cairns was definitely Gilligans, which was a hostel with around 700 beds and the largest club in Cairns at the bottom. After the initial week it was clear that we would be staying longer, so I decided to move to Gilligans hostel, for two reasons; it was cheaper and you get free entry to the club if you stay there. After moving to Gilligans I started to mainly hang out with Julius and whoever was in either of our rooms that wanted to party. I did do some other things while in Cairns, besides drinking everyday, after several days of drinking in a row Robert, Rob, Ingrid, and I decided it was time for a change, so we headed north for a few days of camping in the Daintree Rainforest in Cape Tribulation. This was a great idea. It was nice to get out of the city for a while and get back into nature.

We did a few walks through the rainforest, I felt it looked and felt pretty similar to what I saw in Costa Rica (obviously the flora was different, but I got the same feeling, just dense humid forest....not trying to downplay rainforests here..just sayin). On one of our walks we found a cool rope swing into a semi shallow stream, we got some nice pictures there trying to do backflips off the rope. It was so shallow that Robert, who is around 6'4 hit the ground one time and stood up straight away, he wasn't hurt it just looked really funny. We also visited Mossman Gorge, which looked very nice with a light fog over the water and big smooth boulders distributed throughout the river. The water there was very cold and crisp, it was the first time we could swim in the rivers for a while because of fresh water crocodiles in the Northern Territory, there weren't as many in the water here so it was safe to swim. We camped for one night in a caravan park (left early so we didn't have to pay) and stayed one night in a hostel. The beach and surrounding area of the hostel was beautiful, it was really like being in the middle of the jungle...which it was...There weren't very many other people staying at the hostel, but we met a group who were on a tour and hung out with them that night. There was a girl from near Manchester, a guy from Ottawa and another guy from Holland.

I can't remember the details of how we ended up at the beach, but after a few drinks we decided that it would be a good idea, even though it was raining. So we went to the beach and met some other people who were already down there, and we all watched as the storm moved closer. We sat there for a while, and eventually these other two guys showed up, pretty drunk already, and one of them brought his fire spinning equiptment. So as drunk as we all were, we all did some fire spinning that night, it was really awesome. He even showed us how to spit fire, and I got a cool video and some nice pics of that. The non fire spinning guy was a professional photographer so he had an awesome camera (we found out later that his main gig was doing nude photos, and he showed us some pictures he took of some girls in a bath tub.. he was a bit creepy..he also put a cicada in his mouth..). He still hasn't sent me the photos though, but the video is on facebook, I hope he sends me the pics eventually, they were pretty awesome. It was a nice end to our short visit to the Daintree Rainforest, back to Cairns in the morning.

Peace & Love

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