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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Dear New Zealand,

Hey, how are you? It's me James. I'll keep this short so I don't get too emotional. Just wanted to let you know I'm leaving tomorrow and I really had a magnificent time with you for the past two months. We had so much fun, sand boarding, surfing, sky diving, bird/whale watching, partying, and so much more. You've really got it all, some of the most beautiful landscapes I've ever seen in person, and such a varying landscape as well; volcanoes, rain forests, mountains, enormous sand dunes, beautiful beaches, ocean/sea views, etc. I'm not sure how any other country will ever live up to what you've shown me. So much beauty in such a small space.

I don't know if it's just because you were my first that I feel this way or if you really are this special. Either way I know that I love you and that I always will. And I will be back one day. I hope you never change, and if you do I hope it's only for the better even though I don't think that's possible.

If I wasn't leaving, I'd be staying. Take care.

Love Always,


Ear Organ Donation Site said...

Iv just found your book flushed on whaiheke island! Is it any good before I go starting it!!! Glad to see you enjoyed your nz travels! Whoever you are.

jamesforlife said...

Haha sweet, I was wondering if that would work! Yes, it's a great book, funny + informative (on the history of plumbing and toilets). READ IT~