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Monday, May 23, 2011

Laziest Post (May 3 - May 23)

Man...I work now, and for those who don't know, when I start working I mostly just lay down for the remainder of the day. Now I have to cook and blog on top of that, it's all just too much really. So here are some bullet points regarding what I've been up to for the past 3 weeks in Gero:

- Went on a day trip to Kalbarri to see Red Bluff and the awesome surf
- really nice waves and excellent surfers; Simon took a video maybe I'll grab that; a kangaroo jumped infront of us on the way back but we missed it thankfully;
- Mad searching for a job paid off, got a job at an electronics store, they made me a manager (lulz)
- Simon and Adrian both found scallop jobs, so they are out on the water for the next month or so, I decided to stay with my position
- I went to a bike race over the weekend (May 22) with the owner of the net cafe/book store in town (Johnathan) and his daughter
- Johnathan was in the race (from Minganew - Bootenels), he needed someone with a licence to be with his daughter while she drove so he asked if I wanted to see some of the country side, being the outgoing person I am I decided to go
- It was alright, something to do for the morning and I saw some nice landscape etc...forgot my camera though, that's what happens when I have to leave at 10 to 7 =(
- Mostly just loungin and working now, tryna stack dem papes and what not

Gee, I am tired...gotta go cook I guess..How's everyone else doing?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that's the shortest blog from you I have ever read. Take a picture of the place you are working.