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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Birthday Weekend Extravaganza: Gilligan's First Ever Pool Party! (Dec 17 - Dec 18)

As my birthday was rapidly approaching I decided Cairns would be a nice place to spend the celebration of my 24th year. Also, there was much talk about Gilligan's (the hostel I was staying in) first ever pool party, which just happened to land on the same day as my birthday. So I had a nice time going around telling everyone that the pool party was actually my birthday party. The first night of my birthday weekend was not too different from other nights in Cairns, lots of drinking and going to multiple different clubs/bars. Except this time Julius was telling everyone it was my birthday (I did the same for him on his birthday), so I was getting lots of free drinks and other things... The next morning, the day of my birth, I woke up a bit hung over, but ready for the days events. I started drinking goon at around 11am, and quickly realized it was going to be a very messy day.

After drinking for maybe 2 hours, Julius and I decided to go get some food, so I grabbed my 1.5 ltr water bottle filled with goon and took a trip to Red Rooster. This was a pretty hilarious walk through Cairns, complete with telling random girls it was my birthday, and teaching Julius the "sober walk" which is basically the "I'm the Wiz" walk from Seinfeld, but done while drunk to show others that you aren't drunk at all and you are just out for a casual stroll around town. We returned to Gilligan's filled with food and continued to drink in anticipation of the pool party which would start shortly.

We headed down to the pool party right as it was starting so we didn't miss any of the awesomeness, by this point I was pretty drunk. At the entrance to the pool party we were greeted by hot girls in bikinis giving out the entrance stamps (Note: I thought it would be a great idea to bring my drivers licence so I could prove to people it was my birthday), I told them, as I did everyone else, that it was my birthday and flashed my ID to confirm. So they stamped me all over my body and let us in. We played in the pool for a while with some giant balls, trying to balance on them and other silly things, we also started doing flips off the stage they set up in the water for the bikini fashion show (still drinking goon at this point by the way). Then the bikini fashion show started, I'm not sure why but by this point I was the only one in the pool I assume my friends were sitting around the pool like everybody else. That wasn't for me though, I swam right up to the stage and proceeded to cheer on the girls as they walked past, nothing vulgar, mostly golf claps and compliments on their necklaces and shoes (like a sir), but I was standing right underneath them so that was funny. The models mostly just laughed and said thank you, I got a few winks though cuz I'm cool like that, I'm sure they could tell I was quite intoxicated.

After drinking and lounging in the pool for an hour or so after the fashion show I got back together with my friends and we headed back up to the room to continue drinking and get ready for the night. Before getting ready, I participated in two goon related activities, one was called the Goon Spin and the other we made a name for and it was Goon Shower. A Goon Spin is when you drink from the goon bag and spin around at the same time, you see how many times you can spin before you have to stop, I got up to six and almost fell when I stopped. The Goon Shower I actually have a video of this on facebook, one guy was pouring goon from the second floor of the hostel out into the common area, and he just yelled out GOON SHOWER, so about 6 of us lined up and awaited our prize. He poured out the goon on all of us as we drank and laughed, trying to get as much as we could in our mouths. It was pretty disgusting afterwards because we were all sticky, but it was a good reason to take a much needed shower.

I got changed and we started to play several different drinking games, this continued for some time, many games were played and too many drinks were had (by now I was at the point where I was wearing the goon box on my head and calling it a helmet). We then moved the party outside to join a larger group (at Gilligan's there are always people drinking outside.. ALWAYS), we played even more drinking games some new to me which made them even more difficult in my current state, which meant I had to drink even more. After a while we went back inside and were going to go out, unfortunately for me, I was too far gone at this point and just threw up, drank 2 ltrs of water and went straight to sleep. So I didn't even make it out on the night of my birthday... oh and it was only 10pm by this point...lightweight smh.. I did however sleep for 11 hours, so that was nice.

The lesson to be learned here is: party hard, and then party harder, it's only your birthday once a year. And I had a pretty successful one I must say.

PS - Luckily I didn't lose my drivers licence or my debit card that night, but they did end up being stuck together with gum some how.. which I obviously thought was awesome.. "Look one side debit, the other side ID! PERFECT"....

Peace & Love

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