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Sunday, February 20, 2011

If traveling by plane was a sport, I'd be throwing touchdowns

First off, I'd like to start by saying this is costing me $3 an hour. So if it's a bit helta skelta and short formed, you understand why :)

Travel Log:

- Woken up 1 min before my alarm.....-_-"..the culprit will remain nameless...
- 1 min later my alarm goes off; shower, final check, let's gooooo
- Arrive at airport around 9:30am, chill with the fam jam for a while before departing
- Left Toronto at 12:30pm February 19th
- Watched Wall Street + (some other movie I CANT remember right now) + slept for 2 hours (half of that was a flight delay) = Flight OVER...baby games
- Arrived at LAX around 7:00am...I think
- I wasn't allowed to leave the Terminal area so I couldn't get to see any famous people. However, contrary to what I heard I was let out in the Terminal that I needed to be in for my transfer. I had previously heard it might be a two hour trek across the airport.
- Wondered around/ate/read the paper for a few hours (my lay over was shortended because my first flight was delayed)
- Hop back on the plane and settle RIGHT IN to a 10 hour marathon sleep.... the flight from LA to Auckland, NZ is about 12 hours. So, basically I beastmoded it, woke up to eat a little bit (shout out to the German couple sitting beside me, gave me their deserts and cheese...I guess I look hungry?) and then the flight was over.

That sense of reliefe when you finally see your bag come out of that never ending hole of luggage is indescribable. After I got my bag and went through a bunch of checks (they REALLY do not want you bringing in foreign food/drink/bugs/animals), I went down to i-SITE and booked my hostel room. While I was getting my bus ticket into the city and getting some general info from the dude, this guy beside me offers me like 4 beers out of a plastic bag (old dude, mad sketch, I'm assuming he drank the other 8) because they wouldnt let him bring them on the plane. I'm not sure why he was in the travelers help centre and he was getting on a plane....I told him to chug them and have a great flight.

Note worthy so far:

- I was so cold from the time I got on the plane in Toronto up until I got off the plane in NZ. Airplanes + airports are TOO cold, rediculous.
- Rain has been following me so far, when I got to LA it was raining really hard then when I get to NZ it's over cast and drizzly
- NZ is HOT and HUMID (at least the North Island), as soon as I got here I had to put shorts on
- The architechture is pretty wacky, all the houses I saw had spanish villa type roofs and the buildings in the city are pretty cool looking (my camera is dead right now but I'll have some pics tomorrow I guess)
- Since I got here I've walked around a little to try and find some cheap food. I'm going to go out again after this and get some lunch. Not sure what else I want to do today, I was planning on sleeping for most of the day but I had that 10 hour marathon.

That's all for now.
Peace & Love

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