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Thursday, February 24, 2011

The James comes out at night...Discos don't open 'till after dark

As I said previously, there is a bar at the ground level of the hostel and that is where most people convine to figure out the nights plans or just stay there. The best part about the bar is that they are always trying to give away free pitchers/drinks/bar tabs/trips through various games and things. It is a pretty fun time most nights.

On my first night here I went down to the bar with a couple of people and we hung out for a while, and then I started to make my rounds and talk to some people. One of the girls that works here is a SIA (Stuck in Auckland), she said she came out here to give her inspiration for her writting. She said she's writing a SciFi trilogy so I was instantly interested. She went on to describe what the premise was, and how quamtum physics, multiverses, and super powers were all a part of the story; I told her not to give anything else away because I wanted to read them. I stayed and chatted to her for quite a while, we talked about time travel, quantum physics, the meaning of life, and various other topics...oh she's from a small town in Idaho by the way (WHHAATTTTT?).

Then I ended up meeting this guy from Toronto, he goes to UofT and is studying neuroscience, he's also a bit of a Sambo master (Russian grappling martial arts, not black people). He actually lifted me up over his head and spun me around, and he is about 5'6 150lbs, but that is later on in the story. By this time the people I came with had left and the bar was closing up shortly, this is what hostel life is about. If the friends you came with are leaving or something, just make new friends. Anyway, we had a dope conversation about the human brain, neuroscience, and other various things. He was quite suprised I found that stuff interesting, he said most people just smile and nod. Once the bar closed he headed out to another bar, but once we got there it closed as well, I found out about the martial arts thing in this bar. As we were walking out he was trying to explain to be what Sambo was and he just said "...it would be easier if I just show you" and he grabs me, lifts me up over his head and starts spinning. Now at this I'm thinking..how is this tiny fellow doing this, and am I about to smash my face into the ground. But he did it and put me down safely so I was pretty impressed.

I was in a group of five people and three went to another bar while my Toronto friend and I started hunting for eats. As we're walking down the street we continue talking about martial arts and such. We get onto the subject of Kapawara (brazillian martial art) and then we proceeded to do Kapawara in the streets of Auckland..it was about 2-3am at this point though so no danger was involved. THEN (this is the best part)....he goes.."hey watch this"..he walks up to a pole, grabs in and holds him self up horizontally for a few seconds and jumps down. I had to get him to do it again so I could snap a pic with my phone, didn't turn out too well but it will jog my memory. Anyway, we couldn't find any food so we just went back to meet up with the others at the bar...the night just winded down after that. That bar closed then we just got some street meat (White Lady burgers....MMmmm)and went back to the hostel.


I only have 8 mins left on my interweb so I might just go to McDs and write my next post on my phone. Stay tuned for Pub Crawl - $5, 4 different bars, 1 free drink at each, and about 100 hostelers.

Peace & Love

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