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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Initial Ramblings

I told myself I wouldn't start posting here until I actually purchased the ticket, and that day has finally come. ~$6,485 later...here I am posting. February 19th is the day that I chose to depart, for no particular reason really, and I *should* be returning on December 1st.

Now it's on to the next step, a going away celebration. Being the reclusive, anti-social, loner, and anxiety ridden human that I am this thought for some reason is making me more nervous than actually leaving (probably because my anxiety is queued and releases in succession). But, I'm sure I'll get over it and it will be nice to see everyone before I go etc.

On to the good stuff here is my itinerary so far:

New Zealand (Auckland -> Bay of Islands -> Rotorua -> Taupo -> New Plymoth -> Wanganui -> Wellington -> Nelson -> West Coast Glaciers -> Jackson Bay -> Queenstown -> Aoraki (Mt. Cook) -> Christchurch)
Australia (Perth -> Fremantle -> Rottnest Island -> Denham -> Coral Bay -> Exmouth -> Broome)
Singapore (TBD)
Bangkok (From here I want to travel around S.E Asia, but still TBD)
Delhi (TBD)
London (From here I want to travel around Europe [eastern + southern], but still TBD)

I'll be in each place for 2 months (except Singapore, only 3 weeks), but I can change the dates whenever I want for free. So if you have any input for the places not yet "routed" let me knowwwwwwwww. I am open to all suggestions.

Also, I'd like to make some procedural posts about what I packed and how I planned some routes etc. but I am too lazy to do that today. Pics and things will be there too.

"Let's get this party started!" -Kobe "Bean" Bryant

Peace & Love

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